vogue 8828 – knit top

November 2018

A few months ago, I spent way too much of my precious sewing time searching the internet for vintage sewing patterns. Of course, majority of this haul is now stowed in a drawer for later use! 

Anyway, I did manage to resurrect, rejuvenate and renovate a couple of these gems.

I used tape to stick the pattern pieces to lunch wrap, as the paper was very brittle. I allowed  enough paper around the edges to increase the size. 8828 required only a few simple alterations to bring it to life:

  • Width at side seams  and  hem band;
  • Length through body and sleeve; and
  • Removal of neck facing and addition of neck band.

I cut the neck band about about 6cm shorter than the neck circumference. The neck band length really does depend on the stretch in your knit, but generally about 6 cm shorter works on most.

Overall this was a successful pattern and worked really well in a merino wool jersey from the fabric store. This is a really easy knit fabric to work with. It is machine washable (on a gentle cycle) and the wide width also makes it reasonably economical. Good quality merino wool garments are pricey at retail, so this is one knit fabric I love using.